
The mission of the Association of Latvian oncology patient organizations “Oncoalianse” is to unite and coordinate oncology patient advocacy organizations, representing the interests and rights of oncology patients at the national and international level.


Patient - centred approach

The patient always comes first. We do everything to ensure that the patient is respected throughout the entire course of the disease – receiving proper attention and necessary information, as well as appropriate treatment and support, helping to recover, prolong life and prevent premature death, getting the needed rehabilitation or unlimited palliative care.

Science in everything

We base our activities on evidence-based facts and data. This means the use of scientific and research data, reliable and credible information sources, and information from recognized international professional organizations in the patients’ advocacy and education.


All oncology patients, regardless of tumour localization and stage, must have equal access to both diagnostics and modern therapy, rehabilitation, and other care solutions.