Member organizations
The following member organizations have united in "Onkoalianse":
Men's Health Movement - "Movember Latvia" Foundation
Prostate Cancer Patient Advocacy network, funded in 2015. Within the organization also operates a men’s group, which organizes activities of various types and contents to draw public attention to men’s health. The group organizes discussions for prostate cancer patients and doctors, public events during hockey and floorball games, educational lectures about the importance of sports in oncology and proper care of prostate health, etc. Prostate cancer support group is made up of people who have recently been diagnosed or have overcome the disease.
Contacts: ; +371 29 263 979
Melanomas pacientu atbalsta biedrība “Soli priekšā melanomai”
Melanoma Patient Network “A step ahead of melanoma” was founded in 2019 with the aim of implementing evidence-based advocacy of the melanoma patients’ rights and interests, as well as educational work.
Contacts: ; + 371 29 164 882, + 371 20 058 506
Labdarības fonds krūts vēža pacientu atbalstam “Rozā vilciens”
The main goal of the Pink Train Charity Foundation, founded in 2014, is to help women diagnosed with breast cancer receive modern support: individual consultations with a psychologist or psychotherapist, and classes with a physiotherapist. The foundation’s goals also include promoting the exchange of experience between hospital staff and specialists who work with breast cancer patients, as well as issuing informative materials for women affected by breast cancer.
Contacts: ; +371 26 338 398
Latvijas sieviešu-volontieru biedrība “VITA”
Founded in 1993, the association supports, unites, and educates breast cancer patients using the peer-to-peer principle.
Traditional monthly lectures organized by the association on the third Wednesday of every month at 3.00 p.m. and held at the Latvian Oncology Centre since 1993, now takes place on the internet – on the Facebook account and YouTube channel of the association “Vita”.
The educational series of six video-seminars “Getting ahead of cancer with health literacy!” could be seen in the VIDEO GALLERY.
Contacts: +371 29 462810, ,

Plaušu vēža pacientu un tuvinieku biedrība
Founded in 2018, the Association unites lung cancer patients and people whose families have been affected by lung cancer. The goals of the Association are to foster the early detection of lung cancer, to educate the public about the risks of lung cancer, to contribute to the improvement of Latvia’s health care and social system with respect of lung cancer. The Association aims to represent and express the opinion of patients in various types of public commissions, participate in decision-making and adoption processes related to lung cancer, its care and diagnostics, as well as to actively cooperate with other health and social non-governmental organizations in order to promote the health sector and welfare policies improvement, the availability of modern and effective lung cancer treatment, actualize the need for access to personalized treatment and diagnostics for lung cancer patients.
Contacts: + 37129 242 706,
Zarnu vēža pacientu biedrība “EuropaColon Latvia"
The organization is formed by Latvian colorectal cancer patients. The organization was founded on August 24, 2012, and is part of an international network that advocates the rights of colorectal cancer patients in 21 countries. The goal of the organization is to achieve significant improvements in order to stop the dramatic increase in the incidence of colorectal cancer in Latvia.
Contacts: +37126305033,

Alianse vīriešu veselībai “Dažādas paaudzes par dzīvi”
Founded in 2018, the Alliance unites several organizations: Telpavī, the emotional health support society “Sauleszīme”, the men’s health movement – foundation “Movember Latvija”, associations “Dažādas paaudzes par dzīvi” and “Vīri sasniedz maksimumu”, as well as the knowledge room ” Zikurāts”. The Alliance focuses on national level issues that affect men’s physical and mental health and along with it – on the preservation and promotion of the well-being of whole society. The Alliance calls for greater attention to the timely prevention of various diseases, including various tumours, such as prostate cancer.
Biedrība “Par dzīvot”
Unites patients with different oncological diagnoses. Motto: “Together – it’s easier, together – that’s strength!” Members are provided with continuous 24/7 mutual informational and psychological assistance to experience the treatment as easily and efficiently as possible, to ensure long-term remission and to restore the quality of life after treatment.
Activities of the association: lectures, meetings with experts, publications; promotion of a healthy lifestyle (preventive and psychological measures); art therapy, psychological support, etc.
Contacts: +37120666726;;
FB: Par Dzīvot/Про Жить
Several oncological patients have joined "Oncoalliance" on individual basis:
I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer more than ten years ago and successfully treated due to its early stage. I am alive and I consider it my duty to do everything to take care of my health and help others to do the same. Hospice and palliative care in Latvia have been priorities of my work already for several years.
I support women's health, namely, policies that provide access to innovative treatments and the latest medical innovations. I advocate for the life-saving treatment for all patients who need it.
My priorities in representing cancer patients’ interests are the availability and quality of multidisciplinary treatment and care both during and after the treatment. I am also interested in educational issues: facilitating the cancer screening attendance in society, reducing the cancer stigma, promoting health literacy and health awareness in all age groups, because colorectal cancer is not only a disease of seniors.
Priority – advocacy of rights and interests of onco-gynaecological patients, quality of treatment in accordance with ESMO guidelines.