Latvian patients are welcome in EU network of young cancer patients

Latvian patients are welcome in EU network of young cancer patients


We invite Latvian oncology patients diagnosed with cancer under the age of 39 to join the EU Network of Youth Cancer Survivors (EU-CAYAS-NET) project. The aim of the project is to improve the quality of life of young people – cancer survivors – via the help of social networking tools. It is planned within the project’s framework to create a European network of young cancer patients, a knowledge centre, and an interactive social networking platform, thus promoting mutual interaction and support among young cancer patients, as well as between patients and social and health care professionals active in cancer prevention and treatment across the EU.

You can find out more about the project on the project’s website, and the project’s Facebook page, as well as HERE.

In case of interest or queries, you can also send a personal message to “Onkoalianse” member Lāsma Nikolaisone to receive an invitation to join the project network on the Discord platform. Although the language of the project is English, the platform provides a special Latvian channel, where communication takes place in Latvian.